The writing tasks I assign to students have the objectives of encouraging my students to improve their critical thinking competencies. But what if the students simply find content for their essays in AI chatbots?
As an experiment, I entered "importance of critical thinking" into ChatGPT. The response is below. If you were an educator - or an individual's manager - could you tell if this were something the student or employee wrote, rather than content automatically created by ChatGPT?
"Critical thinking is an important skill because it allows people to analyze and evaluate ideas, arguments, and evidence in a logical and systematic way. It helps individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems effectively, and think creatively. In today's rapidly changing world, the ability to think critically is more important than ever, as it allows people to carefully consider the consequences of their actions and make choices that are based on sound reasoning and evidence. Critical thinking is a key component of a well-rounded education, and it is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice."
This is not me being a Luddite. There is value in these new tools. However, as an educator, I want to learn how to detect work submitted by students that is not the result of their individual and original thinking.
#AIChatbot #AcademicIntegrity #HigherEducation #CriticalThinking #Cheating #OriginalThinking #AI